Thursday, February 14, 2008

Art for Public spaces

Since most of my professional life I have been involved in creating art for such spaces as hospitals, hotels, religious sites, corporations etc, I have been grappling with such issues as the relationship of the public to the art.

How public should the art be? How personal?
Should the art reflect the art tastes of the community, or the current art styles as developed by the art establishment?


Judy said...

Helen - Love your work.
Having lived in the Middle East for 30 years, everything that I've created during that time (murals, silk painting, papier mache, acrylic and watercolour paintings and currently enameled jewellery) has definitely been influenced by my surroundings.
As colour is paramount to my work, I'm sure that had my studio been in my native UK, my palette would have been more muted and the subject matter different too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Helen - I love your new blog! It's very colorful - just like your beautiful artwork. :-) I will be sure to subscribe to your latest updates.

Helen Webber said...

Hello Judy. Thanks for your comments.
How can I view your work?
Do you have a website?


Judy said...

Hello again Helen

Have just been chatting to Debby on Messenger and she said that you'd asked for my website address so here it is -


Anonymous said...

the new work is beauitful.It's so nice to see how much thing have changed.I mean your web site.